Can Oat Milk Be Frozen?

can you freeze oat milk freezer image

The popularity of oat milk is rising, and for a good reason. It is a delicious and creamy vegan milk alternative. It’s versatile enough to be used in coffee, cooking and baking like you would traditional dairy milk. Oat milk provides a slightly nutty creaminess with no added sugar necessary; you won’t have any issues drinking this deliciously sweet beverage! To make your own oat milk at home, simply soak oats in water overnight, then blend them with water the next day.

If you want to preserve oat milk longer than the expiration date, or if you plan to use frozen oat milk in a smoothie or as an ice cream base, you’ve come to the right place! 

Here’s everything you need to know about freezing oat milk, how long it lasts, and how to tell if yours has gone bad. After reading this article, you’ll know if you should freeze it and for how long. 

Yes, You Can Freeze Oat Milk! 

Frozen oat milk is popular for cooking, baking, and smoothies. Oat milk will settle when frozen, so it can be a little grainy after it is defrosted. There are a few tips that will help, like straining thawed oat milk.

Keep reading for the best way to freeze oat milk, how long frozen oat milk lasts, and how to thaw it out. 

How To Freeze Oat Milk

To preserve oat milk, place it in a freezer-safe container in your freezer. This will extend its shelf life and prevent it from going bad. Frozen oat milk can be used for anything you would typically use oat milk for. 

Containers To Freeze Oat Milk In

  • The Original Carton
    • You can put the entire oat milk carton into your freezer. If your oat milk carton is unopened, it can last up to 6 months. 
  • Freezer-Safe Bottle
    • Pour your oat milk into a freezer-safe bottle. Be sure to leave room at the top (at least 1 inch) to allow the liquid to expand. This will prevent your bottle from breaking in your freezer. 
  • Ice Cube Tray

For Best Results, Use An Ice Cube Tray To Freeze Oat Milk

I suggest freezing your oat milk in an ice-cube tray. This gives you pre-portioned cubes of frozen oat milk that you can add directly to your cooking or baking without needing to defrost beforehand. Use your frozen cubes of oat milk for baking treats, cooking sauces, curries, and soups! 

You can also use your frozen oat milk cubes in smoothies! Because you blend your ingredients, you should not notice any grainy texture from the frozen oat milk. 

Oat milk will take a few hours to freeze completely in an ice cube tray. You can keep it in the freezer overnight to be sure it is completely frozen. After your oat milk is frozen, transfer the frozen cubes into a freezer-friendly ziplock bag or container. To save on space, squeeze out as much air as possible. Be sure to label the ziplock bag or container with the date to know when you froze the oat milk. 

Never refreeze thawed oat milk! Freezing the same oat milk more than once is not recommended. It does not turn out the same. This is why I recommend using ice cube trays. You can easily take the amount you need and leave the rest of the cubes frozen. 

Freezing Oat Milk Changes The Texture

Because oat milk settles during the freezing process, it gets a little grainy after it is defrosted. You may notice the grainy texture if you use defrosted oat milk cold like in cereal, a smoothie, or coffee. If you plan to use your defrosted oat milk for cooking or baking, you will likely not notice the grainy texture because the oat milk gets heated. 

straining frozen oat milk
Photo by: The Green Creator

You can strain the thawed oat milk through a cheesecloth or nut milk bag to reduce the grainy texture. This removes the small oat granules and improves the consistency, but it may taste a little watery compared to fresh oat milk. 

How Long Does Oat Milk Take To Freeze?

Oat milk in an ice cube tray will take a few hours to freeze. In larger containers like the oat milk carton, it will take longer. Leave the oat milk in the freezer overnight to be sure it is completely frozen. In the morning, you can enjoy a delicious and refreshing treat!

How Long Does Oat Milk Last In The Freezer?

Your oat milk will last the longest if you freeze store-bought oat milk and leave it in its original container unopened. In that case, oat milk can last up to 6 months according to Wiki How. Oat milk brands use different packaging and preservatives, affecting how long it can last in the freezer. Be sure to inspect your thawed-out oat milk before using or consuming it to be sure it is still good. Keep reading to learn how to tell if your oat milk has gone bad.

If the oat milk container is already opened (or if it is homemade), it can last up to 2-6 months in the freezer. Be sure to label the date you put the oat milk into the freezer to track how long it has been frozen. 

Make sure you freeze your oat milk BEFORE the expiration date. If you are freezing homemade oat milk, freeze it within five days of making the batch; otherwise, you risk it going bad. 

How To Thaw Frozen Oat Milk

Remove the oat milk container from the freezer and place it in the fridge (not the countertop!). Leave the oat milk in the refrigerator for a minimum of eight hours. I like to put it in the fridge the night before to let it thaw overnight. 

Once the oat milk is in its liquid form again, you can use it as usual. As mentioned earlier, running your thawed oat milk through a cheesecloth or nut milk bag will help with the grainy consistency.

How To Tell If Frozen Oat Milk Is Bad

After you thaw out your frozen oat milk, ensure it is still good before using it. There are a few straightforward ways to tell if your oat milk is safe to consume. 

  1. Smells bad – If your oat milk smells moldy, off, or sour after you thaw it out, don’t drink it. It has likely gone bad.
  2. Consistency and color are off – Share your thawed-out oat milk and pour some into a clear glass. If it looks yellow, slimy, completely separated, significantly different, or has any microbial growth, don’t drink it. 
  3. Tastes sour or tart – If the smell and visual tests pass, give the thawed-out milk a taste. Oat milk should have a nutty flavor, a hint of oats, and possibly some sweetness depending on the brand and flavors added. If it tastes sour, throw it out. 

If your thawed-out oat milk passes all of these tests, it is likely acceptable to use, but if you have any doubts, it’s better to err on the side of caution and discard it. 

Freezing oat milk is a simple and easy process you can do right in the carton or by transferring it into freezer-safe containers. Run your oats through cheesecloth or nut milk bags to remove any grainy texture!

Anne K.

Anne is a passionate health and wellness writer who is dedicated to helping others achieve their best selves through a healthy lifestyle. She believes that small changes can lead to big improvements in overall health and works to provide practical tips and advice that readers can easily incorporate into their daily lives. Through her writing, Anne hopes to inspire and empower readers to take control of their health and live their best lives.

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